Coronavirus from the Front Lines in Seattle

The first thing I learned in this outbreak is that my sense of alarm has been deadened by years of medical practice. As a primary care doctor working south of Seattle, in a Kent neighborhood clinic of the University of Washington, I have dealt with long hours, the sometimes insurmountable problems of the patients I care for, and the constant, gnawing fear of missing something and doing harm. To get through my day, I’ve done my best to rationalize that fear, to explain it away.

 I can’t explain how when I heard the news of the coronavirus epidemic in China, I didn’t think it would affect me. I can’t explain how the news of the first patient presenting to an urgent care north of Seattle didn’t cause me, or all healthcare providers, to think about how we would respond. I can’t explain why so many doctors were dismissive of the very real threat that was about to explode. I can’t explain why it took six weeks for the outbreak to seem real to me.

If you work in a doctor’s office, emergency room, hospital, or urgent care center and have not seen a coronavirus case yet, you may have time to think through what is likely to happen in your community. After Washington state’s first case of COVID-19 (coronavirus) became publicly known, few healthcare workers or leaders took the opportunity to work our protocols, run drills, and check our supplies. We did not activate a chain of command or decide how information was going to be communicated to the frontline and back to leadership. Few of us ran worst case scenarios. 

By March 12, we had 376 confirmed cases, and likely more than a thousand are undetected. The moment of realization of the severity of the outbreak didn’t come to me until Saturday, February 29. In the week prior, several patients had come into the clinic with symptoms and potential exposures, but not meeting the narrow CDC testing criteria. They were all advised by the Washington Department of Health to go home. At the time, it seemed like decent advice. Frontline providers didn’t know that there had been two cases of community transmission weeks before, or that one was about to become the first death in Washington state. I still advised patients to quarantine themselves. Studying the state's FMLA intently, I wrote insistent letters to angry bosses, explaining that their employees needed to stay home.

I worked that Saturday. Half of my patients had coughs. Our team insisted that they wear masks. One woman refused, and I refused to see her until she did. In a customer service-oriented healthcare system, I had been schooled to accommodate almost any patient request. But I was not about to put my staff and other patients at risk. Reluctantly, she complied.

On my lunch break, my partner called me to tell me he was at the grocery store. “Why?” I asked, since we usually went together. It became clear he was worried about an outbreak. He had been following the news closely and tried to tell me how deadly this could get and how quickly the disease could spread. I brushed his fears aside, as more evidence of his sweet and overly cautious nature. “It’ll be fine,” I said with misplaced confidence.

Later that day, I heard about the first death and the outbreak at Life Care, a nursing home north of Seattle. I learned that firefighters who had responded to distress calls were under quarantine. I learned through an epidemiologist that there were likely hundreds of undetected cases throughout Washington.

On Monday our clinic decided to convert all cases with symptoms into telemedicine visits. Luckily, we had been building the capacity to see and treat patients virtually for a while. My office’s telemedicine practice is still slow going. It’s difficult to convince those who are anxious about their symptoms to allow us to use my office’s technology for everyone’s safety. It is unclear how much liability we are taking on as individual providers with this approach, or who will speak up for us if something goes wrong.

Patients don’t seem to know where to get their information, and they have been turning to increasingly bizarre sources. For the poorest, who have had so much trouble accessing care, I cannot blame them for not knowing who to trust. I post what I know on Twitter and Facebook, but I know I’m no match for cynical social media algorithms.

Testing was still not available at my clinic the first week of March, and it remains largely unavailable throughout much of the country. We have lost weeks of opportunity to contain this. Luckily, the University of Washington was finally allowed to use their homegrown test and bypass the limited supply from the CDC on March 4. But our capacity at UW is still limited, and the test remained unavailable to the majority of those potentially showing symptoms until March 9.

I am used to being less worried than my patients. I am used to reassuring them. But over the first week of March, I had an eerie sense that my alarm far outstripped theirs. I got relatively few questions about coronavirus, even as the number of cases continued to rise. It wasn’t until the end of the week that I noticed a few were truly fearful. Patients started stealing the gloves and the hand sanitizer, and we had to zealously guard them. My hands are raw from washing.

Throughout this time, I have been grateful for a centralized drive with clear protocols. I am grateful for clear messages at the beginning and end of the day from our CEO. I hope that other clinics model this and have daily in-person meetings, because too much cannot be conveyed in an email when the situation changes hourly.

But our health system nationally was already stretched before, and providers have sacrificed a lot, especially in the most critical settings, to provide decent patient care. Now we are asked to risk our health and safety, and our family's, and I worry about the erosion of trust and work conditions for those on the front lines. I also worry our patients won't believe us when we have allowed the costs of care to continue to rise and ruin their lives. I worry about the millions of people without doctors to call because they have no insurance, and because so many primary care physicians have left unsustainable jobs.

I am grateful that few of my colleagues have been sick, and that those that were called out. I am grateful for the new nurse practitioners in our clinic who took the lion’s share of possibly affected patients and triaged hundreds of phone calls, creating note and message templates that we all use. I am grateful that my clinic manager insisted on doing a drill with all the staff.

I am grateful that we were reminded that we are a team, and that if the call center and cleaning crews and front desk are excluded, then our protocols are useless. I am grateful that our registered nurses quickly shifted to triage. I am grateful that I have testing available.

This week, for the first time since I started working, multiple patients asked how I am doing, and expressed their thanks. I am most grateful for them.

I can’t tell you what to do or what is going to happen, but I can tell you that you need to prepare now. You need to run drills and catch the holes in your plans before the pandemic reaches you. You need to be creative and honest about the flaws in your organization that this pandemic will inevitably expose. You need to meet with your team every day and remember that we are all going to be stretched even thinner than before.

Most of us will get through this, but many of us won’t. And for those that do, we need to be honest about our successes and failures. We need to build a system that can do better next time. Because this is not the last pandemic we will face.

Elisabeth Poorman, M.D., is a general internist at a University of Washington neighborhood clinic in Kent. She completed her residency at Cambridge (Mass.) Health Alliance and specializes in addiction medicine.

Originally published by MDEdge on March 13, 2019

Public Resources on the Covid-19 Outbreak

Steps to Prevent Illness, CDC

Dos and Don’ts of Social Distancing, The Atlantic

You Have a Fever and Cough. Now What?, NPR

Provider Resources

Protocols from the University of Washington

Emergence of a Novel Coronavrius, Nature

Practice Advisory for Obstetric Settings, ACOG

Analysis of Close Contacts, including Children, and Infection, MedRxIV

AND NOW, a word on testing.

If you see a post that says, “I went to three emergency rooms and couldn’t get the coronavirus test,” let me explain why you need to not do this.

Two things are true right now:

  1. We should have more tests available, and a lot of people are going to need to be held accountable for our country not having them.

  2. We can stop the spread without the test

If you have symptoms of cough and cold, you need to be at home. Not at work. Not at Starbucks. And not in the emergency room. Why? Because if you are coughing or sneezing, you are spraying microbes everywhere, even if it is not the coronavirus. You don’t need a test to tell you this. It is common sense. We don’t usually behave that way in this country and even applaud people for working sick. It’s bad in a normal year. It’s especially deadly now.

Making people come to work, or get a doctor’s note, is going to kill a lot of people. Stay home. Let your employees stay home. Let your domestic workers stay home and pay them if you can.

If you are worried and call, I think about how the test is going to change my management. I work at the University of Washington. I am lucky to have access to a relative abundance of tests, but every time I test someone it is a huge personnel cost. We use protective gear that is running out. We expose staff and other patients. We have to close down the room and sterilize it.

If you are healthy, breathing well, eating and drinking OK, I don’t need to test you to know you can stay home. That is clinical judgment. I can evaluate over the phone or telemedicine. I can tell you to stay in your house, practice good hand hygiene, have someone check on you and bring you food. I can tell you stay in your house until 72 hours after your symptoms have resolved. The exception is people who live and work in communal settings, like healthcare workers and inmates, who are at high risk of spreading the disease.

The worst, absolute worst, thing you can do is hop from urgent care to urgent care to ER to ER looking for a test when it won’t change anything we do for you clinically, potentially spreading viruses and bacteria to vulnerable people that we have to evaluate in person who are at much higher risk than you.

So just to sum up:

  1. Call. We can evaluate you and see if you need to come in.

  2. You don’t need a test to tell you you need to be home until 3 days after your symptoms are gone.

  3. Yes I wish we had more tests and I want those who are responsible to be held responsible so this doesn’t happen again. But we are here, now, and there will be time to answer those questions after we pull through this together.